Diabetes & Diabetic Foot Care


It’s especially important to look after your feet if you have diabetes. Diabetes can affect the blood vessels in your legs and feet which can lead to a poor blood circulation to them and can cause a loss of sensation known as peripheral neuropathy. This can mean foot injuries do not heal well and you may not notice if your foot is sore or injured. The risk of infection is also higher if you have diabetes. Infection in a diabetic feet should be treated promptly to reduce the risk of gangrene and amputation.

Foot care tips if you have diabetes:
● See a podiatrist at least once a year for a diabetic foot assessment. We offer this service to all our diabetic patients where we assess your circulation and carry out a full neurological test to make sure you haven’t develop any diabetic foot complications.

● Get corns or hard skin treated by a podiatrist regularly as the build up of hard skin can lead to ulceration if left untreated especially over prominent weight bearing areas of your feet.

● Seek treatment from a podiatrist if blisters or injuries don’t heal quickly.

● Cut or file your toenails regularly. If you struggle to cut them properly see a Podiatrist regularly to have them treated especially if you suffer from ingrowing toenails.

● Wear shoes that fit well and don’t squeeze or rub. Ill-fitting shoes can cause corns and calluses, ulcers and nail problems.

● Never walk barefoot, especially in the garden or on the beach on holidays, to avoid cuts and burns and try to avoid sitting with your legs crossed so you don’t constrict your blood

● Check the soles of your feet regularly or get someone to do it for you if you have problems with your eyesight or can’t get to them easily for cuts, blisters, splinters, or any open skin injuries.

● Seek help from a Podiatrist asap if you suspect any problems.

● Keep your feet clean and free from infection

● Stop smoking to protect your feet. If you have diabetes, it’s important to try to stop smoking. Smoking impairs the blood circulation, particularly in people with diabetes. It can seriously worsen foot and leg problems.

● You should also aim to eat a healthy, balanced diet and keep active if you have diabetes. This can help you to manage your diabetes and reduce the risk of getting problems with your feet and legs.

You should see a Podiatrist or seek medical help urgently if you notice:

● breaks in the skin of your foot, or discharge seeping from a wound.

● skin over part or all of the foot changes colour and becomes more red, blue, pale or dark

● you notice extra swelling in your feet where there was a blister or injury

● there is redness or swelling around an ulcer or in an area where you have previously been warned to seek immediate attention

Bromley Podiatry & Chiropody serves the following locations: Bromley, Pettswood, Chislehurst, Orpington, Beckenham, Shortland, Hayes, Sundridge & Grove Park. Please see our contact page for directions and contact details

Book your appointment now online or call 0208 313 3133

Treatments we provide

We are fully qualified to provide you with a range of professional treatments for all foot and lower limb related problems.

Alternatively you can book your appointment with us online today!

Initial consultations and treatments start from £71